WELCOME TO CIT 1984 BATCH (First four year batch)
Welcome to the web destination of the CIT 1984 BATCH (First four year batch). Our “Silver Jubilee” prompted us to set this up so that we can allow ourselves to set the clock back and indulge once again in the leisurely pace of those years.

Yes, college was not easy – hardly leisurely as someone says! We lived together and very naturally built our strongest bonds with friends – friends with whom we may not have kept touch all these years. Friends, nevertheless, because as soon as we hear from or meet them, the distance and the time dissolves and we find ourselves being the same natural self we always were – no airs, no pretensions, no hang-ups.

Yes, we lived and studied in difficult circumstances – far from the luxury of wood-panelled corridors of a Harvard or an MIT – but then that’s what made us tough as well. What do you do when you do not have adequate resources to perform a task. You innovate. Innovation has rarely, if ever, come out of a state of plentifulness.more...
copyright of CIT 1984 Alumni